Building a Pokémon Explorer with Vue and PokéAPI

2019 is swamped with JavaScript frameworks and we have arrived in a moment when choosing your favourite is a matter of project-based preference only. From the most mature ones, I would say I like React but I love Vue. I believe there’s a simple elegance in the way it handles data and a lot of flexibility in how it can be used, from a simple component to huge PWAs.

You cansee it live here


I decided to take on this project as a way to explore Vue a little more in-depth and also try the amazingPokéAPI

. Before we start,here’s the full source code on Github.

Install Vue CLI and clone the starter project

The Vue CLI interface provides a great tool to project boilerplate projects right out of the box. Assuming you have Node.js installed, run:

$ npm install -g @vue/cli

And create a new project with

$ vue create vue-pokemon-explorer

After deleting most of the boilerplate structure, this is the project tree I ended up with:

├── src
│   ├── main.js
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── PokemonCard.vue
│   │   └── Main.vue
│   ├── assets
│   │   └── logo.png
│   └── App.vue
├── public
│   ├── index.html
│   └── favicon.ico
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── babel.config.js

I chose to keep it simple and only have 2 main components: Main.vue and PokemonCard.vue. Even though the project is very small, I chose to stick with Single File Components because it’s a good way to get familiar with the framework’s best practices. This means that HTML, CSS, and (vue-specific) JS will live inside the same file, making it easier to isolate functionality and troubleshoot bugs on a beginner level.

Picking a styled component library

Since the project is just a playground, I wasn’t too worried about creating my CSS from scratch. That’s why I choseBuefy

— I loveBulma and its flexbox system for columns. Moreover, Buefy provides a large set ofUI components with great functionality right out of the box. Just run the npm command:
$ npm install buefy

After that, we have to import it in our top-level main.js so it becomes available to all the Vue instances:

import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import Buefy from "buefy";
import "buefy/dist/buefy.min.css";

Building the search input and binding data

For the Search input, inside the <template> section of Main.vue, we can take advantage of Buefy’s custom components (hence the “b-” before button and input) and use the Vue directive v-model to bind whatever’s typed in the search form to a data object inside our component. This will make Vue react to changes every time a user types a character and give us methods to deal with that. searchPokemon will execute anytime the input is submitted, while updateSuggestionsList will execute immediately anytime our user types something.

  <b-button type="is-primary" @click.prevent="searchPokemon">

Now it’s time to bind these values to the data in our Main.vue in the <script> section. We’ll also build the structure of our result object inside the component — we’ll use this to store all the information we’ll get back from the API and pass it onto our other component, PokemonCard.vue, which will react to changes and re-render whenever we get a new result. Interesting to notice that, even though we’re not using TypeScript here, Vue requires us to specify what kind of data to expect from each property.

export default {
  name: "Main",
  components: {
      // imported components will go here
  props: {
      // props will go here (more on that later)
  data() {
    return {
        term: "wobbuffet",
        // this will also serve as a
        // default search item on app start
        result: {
            name: String,
            imgs: [],
            height: Number,
            weight: Number,
            abilities: [],
            types: []

Then we’ll move on to the fun section: fetching the PokéAPI!

How to handle API Requests in Vue

Using Vue means taking advantage of Fetch to make HTTP calls way more simple than dealing with the old XMLHttpRequest request model. Our starter project already contains a transpiling utility to ES5 with Babel, so compatibility is not a huge concern here. Fetch will return a simple Promise that will make populating data from APIs a breeze based on whether the call is successful or not. Here’s the basic syntax on how to use it:

  .then(response => {
    if (response.status !== 200) {
      //a 200 response should return an error and inform the user
    response.json().then(data => {
      //do something with all this data!
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

Based on this same structure, we can build the Search function as a method in our Main.vue component:

/// .. components, props, data
methods: {
    searchPokemon() {
        .then(response => {
            if (response.status !== 200) {
            console.log( `we have a problem with status code ${response.status}`);
            response.json().then(data => {
                // these are specifics on how PokéAPI formats its data
                let pickedImgs = [
                this.result.imgs = pickedImgs.filter(x => x);
                this.result.height = data.height;
                this.result.weight = data.weight;
                this.result.abilities = data.abilities;
                this.result.types = data.types;
        .catch(err => console.error(err));

Passing data to a child component

Inside our PokemonCard.vue component, we need to be prepared to receive all this data from Main.vue. The easiest way of accomplishing that is by using props, a type of data specifically designed to pass information from parent to child component. But first we need to initialize it inside PokemonCard.vue:

export default {
    name: "PokemonCard",
    props: {
        name: {},
        imgs: {},
        height: {},
        weight: {},
        abilities: {},
        types: {}

Then we can reference the child component inside our parent Main.vue, using again the v-bind directive to make it react to data changes. This way, every time a new Search is submitted and our parent component data is updated, the PokemonCard component will automatically re-render with little to no effort on our side.

    v-bind:types="this.result.types" >

And here we go! With a few more twists, we’re able to fully set up a simple Pokémon Explorer that is super fast and takes advantage of Vue and its component system to save a lot of time and effort.